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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
May 7, 20201 min read
Double Trouble for COVID-19 positive expectant moms?
Lately the rise in COVID-19 detection amongst pregnant women and those who have delivered, has resulted in a new policy being formed by...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
May 3, 20201 min read
Testing for COVID-19 before delivery
Testing for COVID-19 before Delivery? The COVID-19 virus has got with itself a wave of changes where every now & then there’s something...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Apr 19, 20201 min read
Precautions while caring for a newborn during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has left all new parents scurrying for ways to protect and safeguard their newborns from the coronavirus. Those up...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Apr 16, 20201 min read
Video: Delivery & Birth during the COVID-19 Pandemic x Babychakra
With hospitals, doctors and the health care system now being impacted by the COVID-19 infection, pregnant mums & those who are soon going...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Apr 16, 20201 min read
Video: Live on Pregnancy & COVID-19 with mommy blogger Mommydiaries.
Mommy blogger of mommy diaries fame, Tanya Khubchandani Vatsa & I got together to do a live session on pregnancy during the COVID-19...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Apr 3, 20201 min read
Are Couples Reconsidering Family Planning in the Time of COVID-19?
Planning a pregnancy in the middle of a pandemic is a thought that several couples are wanting to go over again and they are looking to...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Apr 2, 20201 min read
Caring for Newborns around COVID-19 pandemic
Worried about your newborn who has entered the world in the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic? All you need to know about keeping your...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Mar 31, 20201 min read
Dealing with COVID-19 during Pregnancy
The COVID-19 disease has rocked the earth globally and is deemed as one of the worst pandemics mankind has faced in years. While enough...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Mar 28, 20201 min read
Video: How is the COVID-19 virus different from the seasonal flu?
How is the COVID-19 virus different from the seasonal flu? What makes it so virulent and dangerous? Why is the body not immune to this...
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Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia
Mar 23, 20201 min read
Video: Pregnant Mothers & the current COVID 19 situation
Pregnant women, not surprisingly, are anxious. Those in their third trimester, looking to deliver during an epidemic, are close to...
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